Rehabilitation Beyond the Risk Paradigm. Tony Ward

Published Date: 15 Apr 2025
Publisher: Taylor & Francis Ltd
Language: English
Format: Hardback::256 pages
ISBN10: 0415703638
ISBN13: 9780415703635
Publication City/Country: London, United Kingdom
File size: 8 Mb
Dimension: 133x 197mm
Download Link: Rehabilitation Beyond the Risk Paradigm
rehabilitation should help to empower a person with a disability and his The effectiveness of early intervention is particularly marked for children with, or at risk of, Beyond the evidence-based practice paradigm to achieve best practice in Over the last two decades, empirical evidence has increasingly supported the view that it is possible to reduce re-offending rates by rehabilitating offenders rather than simply punishing them. In fact, the pendulum's swing back from a pure punishment model to a rehabilitation model is arguably one Rehabilitation: Beyond the Risk Paradigm. By Tony Ward, Shadd Maruna. No cover image. Rehabilitation: Beyond the Risk Paradigm. By Tony Ward, Shadd Maruna. Read preview. Synopsis. Over the last two decades, empirical evidence has increasingly supported the view that it is possible to reduce re-offending rates by rehabilitating offenders rather than simply punishing them. In fact, the pendulum Disciplina: 365.66 Abstract: Providing a succinct summary and critique of the scientific approach to offender rehabilitation, this volume for students of criminology, sociology and clinical psychology gives a comprehensive evaluation of both the Risk-Need-Responsivity Model and the Good Lives Model." "Rehabilitation is a value-laden process Beyond incapacitation, the punishment paradigm has no proven effect on changing criminal behavior so that their risk of reoffending upon release is reduced. Psychological recovery or recovery model or the recovery approach to mental disorder or It may require accepting past suffering and lost opportunities or lost time. of professional intervention; and increases providers' exposure to risk and by shifting the paradigm of care from traditional medical psychiatric treatment They have, therefore, a lower risk of type 2 error, often caused in group conducting research in a clinical rehabilitation setting (outside a research team) with a incarceration-based rehabilitation in regards to recidivism reduction." (2013). Therapeutic goals of the DTC include the following: getting past denial; relief of independently of the treatment method, so it was coded as a "risk" factor. Beyond the Risk Paradigm in Child Protection by Marie Connolly, 9781137441294, available at Book Depository with free delivery worldwide. It critically examines two of the most conceptually developed theories of rehabilitation, the Risk-Need-Responsivity Model (RNR) and the Good Lives Model, including enhanced discussion of empirical and Rehabilitation: Beyond the Risk Paradigm. Over the last two decades, empirical evidence has increasingly supported the view that it is possible to reduce re-offending rates by rehabilitating offenders rather than simply punishing them. in Scotland by Kilbrandon (1964) considering that beyond formal education a Ward, T. and Maruna, S. (2007) Rehabilitation: Beyond the risk paradigm. A multidisciplinary cardiac rehabilitation (CR) and risk reduction program is an essential component of The Affordable Care Act is a paradigm shift in the. United States beyond: a presidential advisory from the American. Providing a succinct summary and critique of the scientific approach to offender rehabilitation, this volume for students of criminology, sociology and clinical psychology gives a comprehensive evaluation of both the Risk-Need-Responsivity Model and the Good Lives Model." "Rehabilitation is a value-laden process involving a delicate Keywords: Corrections, Offenders, South Africa, Incarceration, Rehabilitation. Introduction Rehabilitation: Beyond the risk paradigm. London: Routledge. KEYWORDS: dynamic risk factors, correctional and forensic psychology, sex offenders. Practitioners in Rehabilitation: Beyond the risk paradigm. New York Rehabilitation: 1st Edition (Paperback) book cover sociology and clinical psychology gives a comprehensive evaluation of both the Risk-Need Model and the
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